My chitka refferal code

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document.write(‘<div id=”chitikaAdBlock-‘ + placement_id + ‘”></div>’);
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Breathing In

I just read the title and thought it would be interesting

Jane Told Me


This quote is for all of you self-employed crazies out there.

I find that I have trouble putting my businesses aside and allowing myself a moment to relax.  So, this week I have started  working only until 5pm.  I start REALLY early in the am but when I take out time for exercising (a must for my sanity) I work a 9 hour day.

The thing is my mind does not close it’s door.  If I had to give you a visualization of the firing synapses of my brain it would be this – a room full of kindergartners throwing paint filled balloons at each other and the splattering of vivid color connecting and coloring everything.

I may not be physically doing any office work but I am still “on.” In fact, recently I have been dreaming about work and waking up every two hours during the night. I…

View original post 224 more words

Small business, grants and funding, business plan writing, government loans and programs, advertising and marketing

Main Admin Site for the WPVIP multisite

This multisite hosts public sites for and WordPress VIP

Audio SeXXX

Eargasms found here!

Jane Told Me

Sharing What I Find, Have lived and Hope to Do

Gutter Cleaning City

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Consumer Bounty

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Offering experienced advice for entrepreneurs and small business owners

The Daily Post

The Art and Craft of Blogging

Lower Mainland Small Business Consultant Ltd

Small business, grants and funding, business plan writing, government loans and programs, advertising and marketing

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