John Chow videos

Hi Everyone,

About a week ago I was turned on to this guy named John Chow if you don’t already know who he is I will explain. He is from Vancouver, B.C., Canada which is just a coincidence because I am also from Vancouver and he is the number one most visited blogger in Canada and fourth in the world. He writes about how he makes money online and last week as I was surfing YouTube I came across a video that he was the key speaker in and I must say I am very impressed! He shared so much with his audinence and I was pleasant surprised to hear actual tips and tricks for the everyday marketer. This wasn’t some Guru spitting the same tired lines of fluff this was Indepth actually useful information. I even learned stuff that I had no idea about to do with email marketing and blogging plus a hole bunch of details on which sites to use for this purpose and for that purpose it was awesome. This is my first Post as a serious marketer and I wanted it to be about this guy because if it wasn’t for him I wouldn’t have been able to overcome a certain hurdle that had been keeping me on the sidelines. So with that Being said I will include a link to his site and I suggest anyone looking for success online to go to his page and copy his strategy for it is working for me!

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